bec june - page 7

By Anna Guy
f all of Steve Wozniak’s ample and celebrated
talents, there is a hidden one. He is impervi-
ous to hyperbole. Try it: It’s nearly impossible
to overstate his contributions to the 20th and 21st
centuries as co-founder of Apple Computers; embel-
lish on his genius as a computer programmer, inven-
tor and engineer; or exaggerate his ability to commu-
nicate his ideas.
Steve “The Woz” Wozniak visited the Toronto Four
Seasons in May as the inaugural speaker for Audi’s
Speaker Forum event—the speaker series will fea-
ture “thought leaders” in the arts, fashion, design and
literature. Wozniak made CBC’s Dwight Drummond
jobs as moderator easy as he drew in the audience
with his life story including his time as a high school
prankster, to inventor of the Apple I and II computer,
to Siri changing his life, and his interest in new auto-
mobile technology.
“My value was my ability to make things with few-
er parts,” Wozniak told the room, distilling his de-
cades of innovation into one sentence. Citing Mal-
com Gladwell’s 10,000 hours theory, Wozniak spent
his teenage years in a garage with his friends making
JUNE 2017
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