bec june - page 61

By Anna Guy
iroli Development Group under-
stands that aging Canadians want
to live their Golden Years to the full-
est—and have created a retirement com-
munity and option suited perfectly towards
No longer are retirement communities
a place where people go gentle into that
good night. Today’s baby boomers—the
cohort born in the two decades after the
Second World War and who make up 27
per cent of the population—want to enjoy
their Golden Years, and, according to Sta-
tistics Canada, have the financial and phys-
ical health to pack their last decades full of
This has set the stage for an emerging trend
of boomers selling their home and looking
for rental properties. Many boomers are in
a category where their children are grown
up, and they don’t need the large family
home in a way they once did. By selling
their home and choosing to rent, boomers
are unlocking the equity in their home that
they have worked so hard for, and putting it
towards a retirement lifestyle. Renting has
many benefits besides unlocking equity;
renting means repairs and maintenance
are taken care of, and travel is easier.
When Piroli Development Group broke
ground on their Seacliff manor in Leaming-
ton, ON they had catering to the Canadians
55 years and older in mind. Piroli’s luxury
retirement buildings offer the convenience
and luxury for aging in place, with options
for independent supportive living, assisted
living, and a memory care program. By hav-
JUNE 2017
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