bec june - page 58

cent of 5 to 17-year-olds in Canada meet
the recommended amount of daily ex-
ercise, and only two per cent of children
in Canada bike to school (extremely low
compared to parts of Europe with similar
climate), it becomes more than clear that
there is a significant opportunity to affect
change and have an impact on the health
and wellbeing of the nation.
Cycling Canada relies on strong private
sector partnerships as a key factor to its
success. Global Relay, a Vancouver-based
leader in the IT sector, led the charge from
Canada’s corporate community, signing
on as Cycling Canada’s Premier Partner
in 2014. The company has provided vital
funding and support for Canada’s elite and
emerging athletes as well as a variety of
events both locally (The Global Relay Gas-
town Grand Prix) and at the national level.
Mattamy Homes’ significant contribution
to Canada’s cycling community has also
been a game changer on a number of lev-
els. The Mattamy National Cycling Cen-
tre velodrome, the only facility of its kind
in Canada, and only the second in North
America, is a symbol of increasing partici-
pation in cycling in this country. Working
in close harmony with Cycling Canada, the
facility cultivates world-class Canadian cy-
clists and local enthusiasts alike. The facil-
ity was built in 2015 for theToronto PanAm
and ParaPanAm Games with significant
private funding from Mattamy as well as
a number of private donors. Mattamy fol-
58 business elite canada
JUNE 2017
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