bec june - page 91

mean the death of a dream.
“This is a big thing for us because our mis-
sion is to have a positive impact on peo-
ple’s lives at work,” says De Baene. “We
want to influence the workforce to change
their vision. Too many people don’t like
their job, and we think that’s a big problem
in the world that we are trying to help—
and we feel like it’s
the only way to build
successful organiza-
tions in 2017.”
De Baene—himself a
company owner—is
not naïve to the fact
that at any time, team
members need only
go a quick Google
search to find more
appealing jobs and
work environments
if they are not satis-
fied in the one they have. Listening and
responding to the team’s and individuals
is a great way to keep employee retention
From a microcosmic view of the work-
place to the macro, GSOFT’s Sharegate
software is used by thousands of IT pro-
fessionals worldwide to manage, migrate
and secure their SharePoint & Office 365
Put simply, Sharegate is a tool to help or-
ganizations access the cloud, which ulti-
mately means huge savings of time and
cost. People can create files and collabo-
rate without limitation because Sharegate
takes data, sites, workflows, everything,
reorganizes and moves it all to the cloud.
As one client puts it, “Sharegate abso-
lutely makes us more competitive. It’s an
outstanding tool to have when discussing
migration with a client.”
GSOFT is making waves—and it’s all start-
ing in Quebec. “We want to influence oth-
er companies to join the movement,” says
De Baene. “First, we are looking for Que-
bec, then the rest of the world.”
JUNE 2017
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