bec june - page 97

operation since 2007, activities are slated
to wind down in 2017, but with an approxi-
mate three-year mine life beyond 2017 in
reserves, the company is considering fur-
ther options. SDC receives royalties from
operations on its Category A traditional
territory( this designation mean the Sel-
kirk First Nation have rights to surface and
ground minerals), and also provides signifi-
cant support operations to aid in the over-
all operation of the mine.
“When Selkirk First Nation and Minto
Mines renegotiated the impact benefit
agreement, it was done for the long-term
benefit of both parties.” Indeed, in the last
nine years, says Harper, Selkirk First Na-
tion has prospered from strong negotia-
tions and trusted collaboration with Minto
Mines and its other businesses. “Council
took a smart approach didn’t rush anything
and that’swhywe have a strong agreement
with Minto mines,” says Harper. “Our na-
tion wants to take care of our citizens, to
take care of our lands, and to prosper, and
for our partners to thrive as well.”
The last major mining boom the Yukon
experienced was between 2008 to about
2012, according to the Resource Develop-
ment Preparedness Strategy report, which
suggests the Yukon is ramping up for in-
creased economic activity soon. The SDC
is confident more mining operations are
coming down the pipeline, such as the Ca-
sino project, a copper, gold, molybdenum
JUNE 2017
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