Page 73 - BEC / JUNE / 2021
P. 73
Municipal Water/Wastewater Partnership grant, fluctuation in water quality and will provide better
which contributed $3.6 million to the development removal of organics, meeting the Canadian Drinking
of the new site, with the County contributing the rest Water Guidelines more effectively. Lastly, residents
and totaling to a $10.1 million dollar project. will not only have better access to the truck fill
station, but the new location is also equipped with
“The project involved building a larger reservoir to a septage receiving station for RV’s to empty their
meet the immediate needs of residents and allow septic system.
for future growth,” says Matthews.
“This will be beneficial to the large number of
This was a huge priority as the old plant had a campers who visit the community each year,” says
difficult time keeping up to the water demands Matthews.
when the population of Joussard increased in the
summer. The new water treatment plant process
is also better equipped to handle the seasonal