isolated community in Northern Alberta
didn’t hinder his success as a business-
“If you take a look at the history of Aborigi-
nal business in Canada, it has only been
the last 20 or 30 years where we are just
starting to get involved in the Canadian
economy,” Tuccaro said. The consequence
of this when he first began his startups was
a lack of willing lenders to supply capital.
The relatively recent boom in Native busi-
ness also meant that entrepreneurs like
Tuccaro had neither reference nor counsel
in the beginning. Instead he was one of
the people leading this movement.
“In order for us in the oil sands to take
advantage of contract opportunities, we
needed the oil companies to step up and
support us,” Tuccaro said. He singles out
Syncrude Canada Ltd. as a leader for in-
volving the Aboriginal community through
direct employment and contract opportu-
nities to supply goods and services. His
praise goes especially to two Syncrude
“In order for us in the oil sands to take advantage of contract opportunities, we
needed the oil companies to step up and support us.”
Dave Tuccaro, President and CEO
MARCH 2017
business elite canada 67