This is an exciting issue for Business Elite Canada magazine! We decided that
it was time for a little “spring cleaning” and with it comes a few design chang-
es intended to offer our readers a brighter, cleaner version of our magazine,
right down to the new masthead on the front cover.
Inside, you’ll notice that the Contents page is more vibrant (we snuck that
change in a couple of issues ago) and each article features a combination of
easy-to-read text supported by one or more stro
revamp coincides with an update to our website (
com), which is much more dynamic and mobile-fr
chance to visit our site lately, we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised! It still
offers a great combination of features and the latest business updates but is
much more appealing thanks to an emphasis on eye-catching photos and well-organized content.
This issue, we had an opportunity to speak with David Morley, President & CEO of UNICEF Canada. The
organization has evolved over the last few decades and is working steadfastly to help children and families
in more than 190 countries around the world, just like the wonderful mother and child smiling on our front
cover. Morley has spent his career helping others worldwide, and through UNICEF he sees a lot of that hard
work paying off.
Another organization that strives to support the needs of others is Manitoba’s new Selkirk Regional Health
Centre, slated to open in 2017. One of the province’s largest capital construction projects, the completed
facility will feature state-of-the-health services and equipment, including the region’s own MRI machine. It
will replace the existing Selkirk & District General Hospital, bringing not only improved care but additional
jobs to the area.
Other articles this month run the gamut from innovative furniture designs and a telecom company with an
“awesome” company culture to marine specialists and a Toronto-based roastery that strives to create the
perfect cup of fair trade organic coffee. We think you’ll find a little something for everyone in our current
As always, we welcome your feedback and co
articles and our new look. Have an idea
for a great business story? Send us an email at
… we look forward to hearing from you!
Cheryl Long
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