new facility,” Dandeneau said.
One of the hospital’s major achievements
will be its certification as a silver standard
LEED facility. LEED-certified buildings
must meet certain prerequisites and adopt
green building strategies that promote hu-
man and environmental health. It’s “quite
difficult to achieve,” Dandeneau pointed
out, and it meant that the building’s de-
signers and contractors had to think about
sustainability and environmental aware-
ness through all parts of the project.
High-efficiency lighting and water fixtures,
enhanced indoor air quality systems, geo-
thermal heat pump technology, a heat re-
covery system and a certain percentage of
recycled building materials are just a few of
the features that will put the hospital into
the LEED category. The property’s land-
scaping will also have a “green” feel with
bridges stretching over water features, 12
“smart car” auto charging stations and two
living roof areas accessed from an exterior
terrace. Natural lighting will cascade into
the building through a multitude of win-
dows and a central glass courtyard. One of
the most unique architectural additions is
the use of windows in operating theatres,
allowing surgeons to enjoy the benefits of
natural lighting. Not only do the sun’s rays
increase staff productivity but they allow
doctors to see natural skin tones and pig-
ment, which can be beneficial during pro-
Among the new facility’s innovative fea-
tures will be a three-bay indoor EMS drive-
through — the first to be built in a rural set-
ting in Manitoba, Dandeneau explained.
The heated area located adjacent to the
emergency room will allow patients to be
dropped off in a weather-safe environment
and will also offer access to a decontami-
SMS Engineering: Selkirk Regional Health Centre
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