BEC / May-June / 2015 - page 21

orphanages, offering street children an op-
portunity to grow up in a family environ-
ment. That summer turned into a year and
20 years later, Morley had devoted two
decades working at a grassroots level to
improve the lives of children throughout
Latin America.
Later, he moved on to serve as the Execu-
tive Director of the Canadian section of
Doctors Without Borders and then Presi-
dent and CEO of Save the Children Cana-
da. What drew Morley to UNICEF Canada
was the chance to work at a higher govern-
mental level and effect impactful change
for children throughout the world.
“To me, if you’re working in a field and
working for children’s rights and interna-
tional developmentand emergency relief,
UNICEF is the gold standard. The oppor-
tunity to work for UNICEF is unique and
it’s special,” Morley said. “Of every single
agency I’ve worked for and people I’ve
worked with, UNICEF is the global leader
because of the Convention on the Rights
of the Child.
“When I was asked (to join UNICEF), I
didn’t have to think twice. One of the spe-
cialthings about UNICEF in any country is
that we get to talk to governments. We’re
the biggest procurer of vaccines in the
business elite canada 21
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