BEC / May-June / 2015 - page 23

world; we reach into all the ministries of
health and work together with ministries
of health in every country in the world. We
also work with ministries of education.
We’re in essentially every country in the
UNICEF offers several key services rang-
ing from widespread immunization cam-
paigns (last year they were responsible
for vaccinating 40 percent of the world’s
children) to educational efforts that in-
clude building schools, training teachers
and improving curriculum. Their response
to emergencies, such as this year’s earth-
quake in Nepal, ensures that children and
families in stricken areas have access to
clean water, shelter and food.
Their work also takes them into the busi-
ness sector where they encourage corpo-
rations to think about the rights of children
on an internationallevel, Morley said. As
companies become increasingly global,
it’s important to consider not only child
labour but the impact that supply chain
can have on developing countries. What
happens to children and families when a
mining company in North America opens
a new extraction site halfway around the
world? If a supplier in another country em-
ploys children, does that practice put their
business elite canada 23
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