Jon Hountalas, Executive Vice-President,
Business Banking, CIBC. "They demon-
strate the significant impact that Canadian
private companies make from coast-to-
coast by pursuing innovation and investing
in meeting the needs of their clients."
Best Managed companies also take inno-
vative approaches to remain competitive
forging strategic alliances and partner-
ships to enter a new geography or sector.
M&A deals were predominately smaller
and focused on horizontal and vertical in-
tegration to help with cost management
and to secure a larger portion of the cus-
tomer market from its competitors. The
2014 Best Managed winners are agile and
adapt to customer needs and expectations
by continuously challenging themselves to
evaluate their strategy between focusing
on a niche market or real diversification.
"Best Managed companies take a custom-
er-centric strategy.The decision to diversify
or take a niche approach will be unique to
each company. What sets a Best Managed
company apart is the ability to execute on
the strategy," said Mike Runia, National
Co-Leader of Canada's Best Managed
Companies program and Ontario Manag-
ing Partner, Deloitte. "Goals become a real-
ity when every individual within an organi-
zation is committed and understands what
they can do to help actualize the strategy."
Left to Right: Mike Runia, National Co-Leader of Canada’s Best Managed Companies program and Ontario Manag-
ing Partner, Deloitte, Norm Sneyd, Vice President Business Development, Bison Transport, Malcolm Hunter, Presi-
dent and Chief Operating Officer, Deeley Harley-Davidson Canada, Peter E. Brown, National Co-Leader of Canada’s
Best Managed Companies program and Senior Practice Partner at Deloitte
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