English-language headquarters in Toronto.
The building will also meet LEED certifica-
tion, with 100 per cent LED lighting sys-
tem compatible with broadcasting which
will occur everywhere throughout the
building. It also contains a 2N data center
to support all the servers required for this
digital world, says Dupras.
“The technical requirements of this build-
ing are going to be very impressive, so
managing and coordinating this is the big-
gest challenge,” Anthony Broccolini, COO
of Broccolini Construction, told Espace
Montreal. “The base building work is very
straightforward for us, along with the of-
Dupras Ledoux’s team of consulting engineers is commitment to design
focused on sustainability, ensuring minimum energy use and mitigating
environmental impacts, all while maximizing comfort for building occupants
and the quality of their environment.
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