fice space. It is the technical space that re-
quires more detailed construction planning
and coordination. We have a great design
team working on the project and the client
has been amazing to work with.”
“[Broccolini] looked at engineering firms
that had experience with multi-media in
the digital age within a private group en-
vironment,” says Dupras. “And right now,
their drawings are advanced at 30 per cent
and construction has started, so it will be
a very fast-tracked project, which we are
also experienced with.”
With technology evolving so quickly, Du-
pras Ledoux’s team is constantly adding to
its expertise. “We are doing things that 25
years ago no one would have imagined,”
says Dupras. “It is now just a question of
integration on fibre using the latest me-
dia. Radio-Canada is in the world of digital,
smaller, compact, higher speed, and high
resolution—this brings a lot of complexity,
but an exciting and interesting challenge
that we are well prepared for.”
There is no question of that. Besides the
aforementioned work with Cirque, the
team has done mechanical electrical work
for the Robert Lepage Theatre building,
the National Film Board, to name but a few
high-profile, technically complex venues.
The accumulated expertise from years of
advanced work in this sector will now “all
go into the Radio-Canada building,” says
Dupras. “At the end of the day, so many
disciplines,from mixing rooms studios,
large atriums lobbies, smoke evacuation,
noise control, you will find it all in this build-
ing, which is great. Everyone in our office
will be involved in this project because we
all have all specialities on deck.”
Nouvelle Maison Radio Canada
business elite canada 25