to the seamless work of the
PCL/Parsons/Dufferin ATT
Joint Venture providing Con-
struction Management Ser-
The project took an innova-
tive approach to construction
that led to the receipt of an
award at the Alberta Chapter
of the American Concrete In-
stitute 2013 Awards of Excel-
lence. A large tent structure
was erected in order to ensure
ideal temperatures for quality
control of the concrete. Dur-
ing the summer, liquid nitro-
gen was used to cool concrete
so temperature specifications
were maintained. Delaney
adds, “this is usually done
using ice, but we wanted to
try something new.” Utilizing
a “travelling form” method
when constructing the outer-
shell of the tunnel saved a
significant amount of time.
The entire project utilized
advanced machinery and in-
novative methods throughout
each phase of construction.
Delaney stressed that the tun-
nel project is a City of Calgary
undertaking and a City of Cal-
gary asset. He says, “We will
be leasing the land through
the airport authority via the
federal government.”
Delaney closes, “the project is
very important to citizens of
the city of Calgary and we’re
looking forward to the tunnel
opening next May.”
business elite canada