BEC / October / 2013 - page 75

Founded in February 2000 by
Ron Vermeulen, LandSolu-
tions started as a small firm
providing solutions to Energy
companies with short-term
land administrative needs
via an outsourcing service.
Chad Hughes, current CEO
and President, came aboard
in 2001 with the goal of ex-
panding the services provided
by LandSolutions. 13 years
later, the firm has offices
across Canada that provides
land acquisition, land man-
agement, public involvement,
and environmental expertise
to companies in the energy
and infrastructure sectors.
The solutions they provide are
expansive and include guiding
firms through the land acqui-
sition and public engagement
process, managing land assets
for firms without the in-house
capacity to handle it internal-
ly, negotiating rights to min-
eral interests, and navigating
companies through any regu-
latory required environmen-
business elite canada
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