BEC / October / 2013 - page 95

als to formulate the product,
manufacturing the products
operations and finally devel-
oping its own private label
“We create the formula for
customers and have manu-
factured over 1000 different
products for different compa-
nies around the world, Canada
and internationally.” Howev-
er, breaking into the Cana-
dian market from the get-go
proved to be a challenge.
“We needed to make sure our
standards are combined with
Health Canada standards,”
says Dr. Ou. “We try to mini-
mize any conflict of interest
for our customers.”
“The standard of product
quality in Canada is as good,
if not better, than any part of
the world. In the US whenever
you have to make a claim it
doesn’t have to be backed up
by scientific evidence, but in
Canada you have to show how
the raw materials help, say
weight loss… The fact that all
our products have registered
Health Canada NPN is a good
thing,” says the new president
of NutraLab Canada, Michael
Ash. “Today there is a com-
petitive industry but we are
looking forward to the indus-
try growing.”
The Canadian market is much
more heavily regulated than
international markets, espe-
cially the United States and
business elite canada
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