Europe, and those who ex-
port internationally from Can-
ada are already approved by
one of the toughest markets,
which emphasize the compa-
ny’s credibility. “We regulate
a lot better than other coun-
tries do,” adds Dr. Ou.
“‘Made in Canada’ is a brand.”
NutraLab is a member of the
Canadian Health Food Asso-
ciation (CHFA), the Canadian
Association of Chain Drug
Stores (CACDS), is GMP ap-
proved and has over 200 prod-
ucts with NPN product license
numbers. They also hold a
Halal certificate to cater to the
nation’s Muslim clientele and
use products free of BSE (Bo-
vine Spongiform Encephalop-
athy), proving that NutraLab
is a customer-friendly brand.
Today, nearly 30-40% of the
company’s revenue comes
from exporting to over 15 dif-
ferent countries, and the com-
pany recognizes that there is
a growing oversees market.
With support from the On-
tario government, NutraLab
exports to international trades
becoming a multi-faceted
pharmaceutical company. Not
only focusing on exports, Nu-
traLab has an in-house brand
that targets more popular
items their customers need,
giving the company a more
competitive edge. Their in-
house brand, MapleLife Nutri-
tion, has emerged into a glob-
al leading nutraceutical brand
and was launched to meet the
growing demands of the mar-
The company works close-
ly with the Agriculture and
Food Laboratory, a unit of the
Laboratory Services Division
at the University of Guelph, to
focus specifically on national
health products.
“[The AFL] is consistent in
supporting NutraLab in on-
going export projects [and]
business elite canada