Page 56 - BEC / OCT / 2022
P. 56

In 2016, Steelcon utilized SIN Beam for the 63,000 sq ft Porche dealership in Toronto, Ontario.

        of it or not. Many GO Stations, malls, civic and        Many of these projects were completed successfully

        commercial office buildings, and hospitals around       using the revolutionary SIN beam, the only
        Ontario boast the Steelcon stamp of approval.           structural steel product of its kind in North America.

        “When you pass a Steelcon project, whether it’s         In 2015, Steelcon introduced the SIN Beam product

        under construction or completed, there is a sense of    to the Canadian market, which uses an innovative
        pride,” says Bianco. “We take pride in our work and     design that is up to 30 per cent lighter than

        in the quality of our work. From warehouses to office   conventional Wide Flange beams, and has been
        buildings to hospitals and healthcare facilities, we’re   making big waves from coast to coast.

        building the strong and stable structures that serve

        our community, and we deliver on time, on schedule,     Steelcon’s proprietary SIN beam is a wide flange
        on budget, and we do it safely.”                        steel member composed of two flanges welded to

                                                                a corrugated web. This sinusoidal profile makes it

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