BEC / SEPT / 2017 - page 39

business elite canada 39
migrants, and to make international trade
LiUNA members have the qualification and
expertise tomake our Canadian cities some
of the best places to live and work in the
world. Through its training centres, LiUNA
members are provided with comprehen-
sive training programs and access to the
latest technologies and methods of train-
ing delivery. Much of the training is done
simulating a realistic construction sector
setting to ensure each individual worker is
competent, productive, and understands
the importance of health and safety on and
off the job-site. This is in part why LiUNA
has one of the strongest reputations in the
construction industry.
“With our many signatories throughout
Canada, in all the different sectors, calls go
out daily for new jobs an d more work. Our
members can work nation-wide, and our
benefits transfer,” says Larry Villeneuve,
Indigenous Training Liaison. “We have al-
ways acted as advocate for workers and
their families through the labor force. We
will always find new initiatives that benefit
our members first and foremost.”
In the 20
Century, many immigrants found
fair working conditions and pay through
protection with LiUNA. The association
makes it very clear that fairness for the
working people, regardless of colour, gen-
der, race or ethnicity, no matter our country
of origin is the priority. LiNUA has a proud
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