BEC / SEPT / 2017 - page 47

“Small airports in Canada are a tremendous need in the community,” says
Todd Tripp, CEO. “They allow us to connect Sudbury to Canada and to the
business elite canada 47
Indeed, the airport typically sees 230,000
passengers through its gates a year, and
this year is already on track for a 10 per
cent increase. Of those travellers, approxi-
mately 70 per cent are flying for business
or education. After all, Sudbury is a major
centre of innovation and applied research
in many fields, including mining technol-
ogy, environmental restoration, special-
ized product development, health care and
astrophysics research, and is regarded as
one of the most important mining centres
in the world.
Sudbury is also a prime destination be-
cause of its position as the regional centre
of learning and applied research for north-
eastern Ontario. Laurentian University,
Cambrian College, and Collège Boréal,
and the Northern Ontario School of Medi-
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