BEC / SEPT / 2017 - page 60

60 business elite canada
By Anna Guy
n 2015, Aecon Group and the Six Nations
of the Grand River Development Cor-
poration formed a joint venture agree-
ment. In three short years, the partnership
has evolved into an industry-leading exam-
ple of corporate Canada and First Nations
“A partnership of this nature, with a promi-
nent company such as Aecon, exemplifies
the capability of the Six Nations people
to collaborate and participate in the eco-
nomic opportunities that exist within the
HaldimandTract and beyond,” said Ava Hill,
Chief of Six Nations Elected Council.
Six Nations of the Grand River is one of the
largest populated First Nation in the coun-
try. Six Nations is comprised of the Mo-
hawk, Seneca, Oneida, Cayuga, Onondaga
and Tuscarora nations and provides un-
tapped employment potential. So, working
with Aecon Group Inc., a Canadian leader
in construction and infrastructure devel-
opment, was a natural fit for both parties,
especially with their combined experience
with providing integrated turnkey services
to private and public-sector clients.
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