BEC / SEPT / 2017 - page 70

70 business elite canada
Community Economic Development, and
Employment Development. Clientele in-
clude K+S Potash, Potash Corp, SaskPow-
er, Crescent Point Energy, to name a few,
all who enjoy services including drilling,
general contracting, health and safety, and
project management.
“We are quite proud of the services we
provide, and our established working rela-
tionships with our partners,” says Benjoe,
citing his company generates revenue in
the tens of millions annually.
Growing from a solid foundation, FHQ is
positioned to now diversify into other ar-
eas “to make sure we are not in the posi-
tion where we are only doing specific type
of work, and that we are prepared for the
ebb and flow of the economy.”
With his fellow shareholders, Benjoe
says “We took the time to thoroughly go
through and identify significant opportuni-
ties that were going to be playing out with-
in our territory. Good governance structure
was important to work on building that
foundation early.”
Comprised of professionals from diverse
backgrounds (law, engineering, finance,
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