72 business elite canada
achieved through successful businesses—
is to contribute to the long-term economic
independence of its partners by investing
in profitable business ventures and by ad-
vancing community economic develop-
ment strategies, in a manner consistent
with First Nation’s values.
“Building successful businesses as an or-
ganization, giving back to our communi-
ties, and helping to build and share best
business practises will have a positive im-
pact on our communities,” says Benjoe.
“We don’t lead with labour, we lead with
running strong reputable business with
strong capacity, but recognize we have re-
sponsibility to recognize opportunities for
our members to work with our organiza-
tion.” At peak time, FHQ has 90-110 indi-
viduals hired on sites. That is a lot of jobs
that would otherwise not be there.
“We don’t have to be politicians to be lead-
ers,” he continues. “When you look at the
economics and the importance in having
strong sustainable business, that creates
more opportunity than anything. Our politi-
cal leaders play a vital role in the Nation to
Nation relationship with Government and
ensuring that we are not forgotten when
new opportunities arise and we work with
them to expand any new business oppor-