business elite canada 79
board of directors’ performance that MC-
GoCLP is now a profitable company with a
reputation for transparency, accountability
and business acumen.
“Now in 2017, its like night and day from
where our operation was then to now,”
smiles Poulin. “I can go purchase a
$500,000 piece of equipment and have it
delivered with very few financial hurdles
to overcome given our improved credit rat-
ing with major equipment suppliers. Re-
ceivables are 30 days, we have good cred-
it, our bills are paid, and we have entered
into a budgeting process, because we put
qualified people in the correct positions.”
In 2003, the MCDC acquired CS Enter-
prises from a local logging contractor, be-
coming one of the primary logging con-
tractors in the Cochrane area, supplying
round wood to area sawmills and paper
mills from Timmins to Cochrane. In 2015,
the Moose Cree Group of Companies