BEC / SEPT / 2017 - page 87

business elite canada 87
for their vision, creativity, sensitivity and
practicality in all aspects of professional
practice, creating unique functional out-
door spaces for our citizens, as well as pro-
tecting and enhancing the environment.
“The work of a landscape architect is ex-
tremely varied,” says Michelle Legault, Ex-
ecutive Director of the Canadian Society of
Landscape Architects (CSLA). “It touches
the design, planning, management and
stewardship of outdoor areas both public
and private, landmarks and structures, any
type of land which needs to be managed
in some way.”
The CSLA is the voice of landscape archi-
tects in Canada, representing the approxi-
mately 2,000 landscape architects in the
country on issues such as urban design
and renewal, sustainable development,
climate change and cultural heritage. The
CSLA’s provincial component associations,
regulate the profession of landscape archi-
tecture through licensing or certification of
its members.
There are currently six accredited univer-
sity programs for Landscape Architecture,
Cornelia Hahn Oberlander receiving the inaugural Governor General’s Medal in Landscape Architecture in 2016
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