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spheres of Quebec. Constantly evolving,
the RJCCQ achieved 30 members by 2011.
In 2012, preoccupied by the youth’s involve-
ment on Board of Directors in Quebec, the
RJCCCQ launched the training program
“Administrateurs de la relève” (Administra-
tors Succession) in collaboration with the
“Collège des administrateurs de société”
(CAS), “Autorité des marchés financiers”
(AMF), and the “Conseil régional des élus”
(Elected Regional Council). In 2014, the
RJCCQ had 33 members and was invited
to the G20 Young Entrepreneurs Summit
in Australia.
As of 2015, Mr. Monsef Derraji, current
President and CEO of the RJCCQ, grew
the member base to up to 40Youth Cham-
bers—which represents about 10,000
young workers and businessmen. The or-
ganization then presented a brief to the
“Secrétariat à la jeunesse” (SAJ) with
three recommendations at the basis of its