business elite canada
irst established in 1985,
MOBIA Technology In-
novations has grown
from a small, Halifax-based,
family-owned business into
a power ful and experienced
team of professionals situ-
ated in regional offices across
all of Canada. As a result of
their unremitting reliability
and proven expertise, MO-
BIA has forged long-lasting
relationships with several of
Canada’s leading companies
and organizations in the tele-
communications, healthcare,
energy and industrial sectors.
Their close working relation-
ships with industry technol-
ogy partners have ensured
that the latest innovations are
used to improve the lives of
all Canadians.
Rob Lane first joined the
company over 25 years ago,
and in 2001 he became the
President, and sole owner of
the company in 2011. Through
his guidance, MOBIA has de-