Mobia - page 4

business elite canada
veloped a hard-working and
dedicated team of employ-
ees who use their advanced
technical knowledge and ex-
pertise to benefit custom-
ers throughout Canada. We
recently spoke with Rob and
asked him how he has made
MOBIA stand out from other
companies in the market.
“I think that it’s our culture.
I think that there are lots of
companies that can do what
we do. I don’t think we’re tre-
mendously unique—it’s not
like we are developing unique
intellectual property—but we
have four core values that we
live through very strictly. It’s
a bit like a family really. Our
core values are: Honesty and
Integrity, Caring, Humility,
and Tenacity. These four core
values are at the heart of all
of our decision-making and
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