business elite canada
vice; the bottom line is in no other indus-
try would a government tolerate a multi-
billion-dollar company entering a regulated
market and refusing to follow the rules.”
It’s an emotionally charged topic in the
taxi industry, and one that Hubbard feels
strongly about as she advocates for the
drivers who keep Beck Taxi’s fleet on the
roads day in and day out. Beck-Souter
taught her daughter early on that the com-
pany’s drivers weren’t employees; they
were customers to be appreciated and
respected. Just as passengers are not
obligated to ride with Beck Taxi, their driv-
ers are not held by any sort of contract. If
they drive for Beck Taxi, it’s because they
choose to do so and that has put an onus
on Hubbard to keep the company operat-
ing as smoothly and profitably as possible.
“I think there’s a respect for each other