business elite canada
in this industry that maybe not everybody
gets to see, and my mom has started this,”
she said. “We want to raise the image of
taxi drivers. (Drivers) are professionals and
should be respected; they’re doing an hon-
ourable job and they keep this city mov-
When there are problems with public tran-
sit or winter storms create hazardous con-
ditions, taxi drivers are still on the roads
ensuring that passengers get to their
destinations. “…they’ll stay out there on
those crazy winter nights,” Hubbard said.
“I think…people need to hear their stories
and see their faces and understand this is
your neighbour.”
That dedication to customer service,
whether for passengers or drivers, is one
of the reasons Beck Taxi has been named
Favourite Taxi Company for the past 20
years by the Toronto Sun Reader’s Choice
awards. They also support several chari-
table organizations and sports teams, and
save the prime “real estate” on their cars
to increase publicity for fundraising initia-
tives. Many of the causes they support re-
volve around the use of alcohol, ensuring
that revellers arrive home safely after spe-
cial events held throughout the city.
“We’re always looking for different ways to
help,” Hubbard said. “We are in the com-
munity so to avoid participating in it just
doesn’t make any sense.”
To learn more about Beck Taxi, visit