CCI - page 10

ing annular pressure modeling technology,
which assists the engineers in planning the
crossings and allows the team to monitor
the amount of pressure in the hole as it’s
being drilled, Dupuis explained. Not only
does it help to prevent drilling fluid release
to the surface and reduce the potential en-
vironmental impact, but it has been instru-
mental in establishing a 99-percent suc-
cess rate for his company.
CCI also designs and builds innovative
products in response to industry needs.
Their latest innovation is the Pipe 360 Cra-
dle that was designed for a pipeline with
a special coating that was being crushed
during handling with conventional handling
equipment. The CCI team put their heads
together to come up with an innovative
design that prevents damage to the coat-
ing and increases productivity. The product
is currently being used successfully in the
Fort McMurray area.
Last year, the company’s work was rec-
ognized when they were named one of
“It’s a great recognition for the team at CCI. The process itself is very
detailed and really makes you think about your business and culture.”
business elite canada
MAR/APR 2015
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