ewan to refineries in eastern Canada.
Considering the sheer amount of water
that criss-crosses any map of Canada, it’s
no surprise to learn that up to 99 percent
of pipelines cross a body of water at some
point. CCI Inc. has also traversed the coun-
try, taking on more than 1,600 projects
with crossings in each of the provinces
and territories. The greatest challenge?
Canada’s diverse geological formations,
which vary from coast to coast, demand
an understanding of the environment and
its impact on the project.
Their level of expertise is evident in the
innovations that CCI has brought to the
industry. They developed the Pipe-360
Pipeline Review System that uses the com-
bined efforts of all departments, including
Engineering, Environmental, Geotechnical,
Forestry and Construction, to help own-
ers understand and quantify risk so they
can make informed decisions about cur-
rent and future pipeline projects. They are
the industry leader in the implementation
and pioneering of new technology, includ-
“(Growth) always comes with
its challenges of course; it’s a lot
of work but with the right plan
and the right people, it’s just a
matter of working together and
executing that plan. We’re look-
ing forward to it.”
MAR/APR 2015
business elite canada