they drill under the river? — his questions
drew the attention of one of the project’s
supervisors. And in a scene that played
out more like a movie than day-to-day life,
Dupuis’ keen interest in the project earned
him an on-the-spot job offer.
“I quit my job that day, and then I got on
a bus that night and took a bus for about
six hours just south of Calgary in Okotoks,
and I went on my first horizontal direction-
al drilling (HDD) job, just to learn how it
worked,” he said. Dupuis began working in
directional drilling for Michels Canada, and
eventually discovered how little advance
planning the industry was putting into the
massive projects.
“You’d basically show up and figure out
where you wanted to start and where you
wanted to end, and you started drilling,”
Dupuis said. “These were multi-million-
dollar crossings that were done by the seat
of our pants.”
Driven to provide a different level of service
with a more planned approach, Dupuis and
Brent Goerz founded Complete Crossings
MAR/APR 2015
business elite canada