Canadian Motor Speedway - page 9

APRIL 2016
business elite canada
you can see the whole track,” according to
However, the Canadian Motor Speedway
is not just building a track, they are build-
ing an ultra-modern, multi-use sports and
entertainment destination that also brings
together all the components of racing —
research and development, event plan-
ning, light industrial, retail and commercial
— while offering a place to stay overnight.
“At the end of the day, if you’re going to
have sustainable employment and contin-
ued growth you have to be a place that is
a destination point,” says Bickford. “I be-
lieve the team that Azhar and Ibrahim have
assembled will create the unique environ-
ment that attracts different people with ex-
ceptional skill sets from within the South-
ern Ontario and Niagara Region.”
Bickford is particularly interested in the edu-
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