Once this communication takes place,
recruiters at St. Amour use various re-
sources to match their client with a suit-
able employee. This includes the exten-
sive database maintained by the company
and publicly available profiles like LinkedIn.
Since recruiters have connections in the
industry, searching within these networks
often yields fruitful results.
The company’s success can be attribut-
ed to being innovative and following and
adapting to market trends. Building good
client relations is key as well —St. Amour’s
ability to create trust through transparency
and honesty has fuelled well-founded in-
terpersonal relationships with its clients.
St. Amour’s services are particularly ben-
eficial for small businesses. Still in their in-
fancy, these companies sometimes can’t
afford specialized departments to carry
out candidate selection and so the cost of
hiring the wrong person is especially high
for small businesses.
“We have a good view of what’s happen-
ing with their competitors and with the
market. There’s a lot of information we’re
able to provide,” Favreau said.
Unlike in the past, large companies nowa-
days have a smaller number of regional of-
business elite canada
APRIL 2016