fices. The trend that Riverin and Favreau
have noticed with bigger companies is a
centralized HR department charged with
hiring in a local environment about which
they have little information. St. Amour
helps bridge this gap. For example, if the
HR department of multinational company
X is based in the U.S. and is charged with
the task of hiring individuals for its Toronto
office, St. Amour helps by providing local
and regional information that would other-
wise be inaccessible.
“There is an overwhelming amount of in-
formation on people looking for a job. Our
job is to make sure that we bring all of that
together in a focused manner so that we
can help our clients make the best selec-
tion,” Favreau said.
Speed is the biggest constraint of the job
— if St. Amour could provide the client
with a suitable candidate within 24 hours,
that would make the client ecstatic, al-
though it is not very feasible. Clients have
added pressure in other ways too. In the
past, companies would be satisfied with a
candidate who nearly matched all of their
criteria — now they require a 100 per cent
match. Consequently, recruiters need to
work meticulously and tirelessly to meet
client demands. They want ‘the perfect
candidate’, Riverin said.
“The people within the St. Amour team are great people. They bring great
value. We certainly rely on all of them to make the success of our company.”
Robert Favreau, Partner
APRIL 2016
business elite canada