“Regardless of whether you have the ex-
perience, the larger companies want to
make sure you fit the values and the profile
of the company. That was not as important
20 years ago,” Favreau said. So, part of the
job lies with ensuring that the candidate
aligns well with what Riverin termed ‘the
culture of the company’.
The mutable tendencies of the modern
employee present recruiting companies
like St. Amour with lots of work. “Job
change is more present now than it was
25 years ago. Somebody would stay with-
in the company and grow there for his or
her life. Now it’s not well perceived to stay
at the same company for 25 years. That
person will find it difficult to adapt to an-
other culture. A candidate changing com-
panies every seven to 10 years will be able
to share a lot with a new employer,” Fa-
vreau said.
Presently in expansion mode, the compa-
ny is actively hiring recruiters at the mo-
ment and expanding into industries like
finance and IT. Companies are looking for
more support and St. Amour plans to ex-
pand accordingly to satisfy these needs,
such as offering consulting services. The
company is also in the midst of developing
an online recruitment portal.
“We are trying to bring a flexible recruit-
ment, instead of a one-size-fits-all. In the
past, you put an ad and attract candidates.
Now we need to diversify that and adapt
that to different environments and indus-
tries and different age groups,” Favreau
APRIL 2016
business elite canada