and other meeting and interview room—
will foster discussion and exchanges.”
Cambridge Bay was the ideal location for
the project, sitting just off of the North-
west Passage, accessible by plane, and
at a latitude that scientists recognize as
a bellwether for climate change; flora and
fauna studies in and around that area mea-
sure the changes in animal and marine life,
for instance.
The CHARS campus’ location within Cam-
bridge Bay is illustrative of the collabora-
tion between the residents of Cambridge
Bay and the project team. “Our initial fa-
vourite physical site for the CHARS cam-
pus, unbeknownst to us, was once a wa-
terway that was filled in by the American
military at the time of the Distance Early
Warning Line sites.” says Hough. “The El-
ders advised us of this fact, and made the
suggestion that we should build at a differ-
ent site with more stable land. Had we not
engaged the community on the location of
the site, and then listened to their advice,
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