CHARS - page 7

it could have had a significant impact on
our bottom line.”
Inuit Benefit Plans have been used as the
key mechanism to deliver on Nunavut Land
Claims Agreement obligations for procure-
ment related to the CHARS campus, in-
cluding the construction of the buildings,
purchase of equipment, and leased hous-
ing. To date, approximately 219,813 hours
of Inuit employment worth over $7.4 mil-
lion dollars have contributed to the Inuit
Benefits Plan for the construction of the
CHARS campus. Skills development ac-
tivities worth $400,000 dollars have been
undertaken and $51.5 million dollars’
worth of construction contracts have been
awarded to firms registered under Nuna-
vut Tunngavik Incorporated.
One of the guiding principles and values of
Inuit culture, as explained to the CHARS
team by the Elders, is Qanuqtuurungnar-
niq, the concept of being resourceful to
solve problems, and sometimes translated
as meaning“to be resourceful and seek so-
Photo Credit: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
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