CHARS - page 9

lutions through creativity, adaptability, and
flexibility”. That was certainly essential to
the architects who needed to plan an effi-
cient and sustainable world-class research
station. Ultimately, the CHARS campus is
built to state-of-the-art standards and uses
the best practices from centuries’ old tra-
ditional knowledge.
The deftly-named POLAR, which stands
for Polar Knowledge Canada, is responsi-
ble for advancing Canada’s knowledge of
the Arctic, strengthening Canadian leader-
ship in polar science and technology, and
promoting the development and distribu-
tion of knowledge of other circumpolar re-
gions, including Antarctica. POLAR will op-
erate the Canadian High Arctic Research
Station (CHARS) campus. This new federal
organization was created by the Canadian
High Arctic Research Act and combines
the resources and knowledge of the for-
mer Canadian Polar Commission and the
former Science andTechnology program at
INAC into one organization.
For more information, please visit
Photo Credit: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
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