Ishkonigan - page 3

By Anna Guy
“There is a clear recognition out of
the corporate business communi-
ty that the old way of doing busi-
ness with Aboriginal companies
is gone, and the new way means
fundamental changes for full en-
gagement and participation with
the Aboriginal community.”—Phil
Fontaine, Ishkonigan.
Currently, there is approximately $650 bil-
lion of investment and hundreds of major
resource projects in Canada on Indigenous
land—ensuring the development of these
projects takes an equal understanding
of corporate law, government, and the
Indigenous culture tied to the land. As
Canada’s foremost indigenous consulting
firm, Ishkonigan’s specialty in consulta-
tion, negotiation and mediation services
for indigenous communities, all levels of
government, and corporations has led to
numerous successful partnerships and
follow-through on such projects.
Based out of Akwesasne Mohawk Terri-
tory, near Cornwall, ON, Ishkonigan was
founded in 2009 by Phil Fontaine. Uniquely
qualified to represent Aboriginal commu-
nities, Fontaine served as National Chief
of the Assembly of First Nations for an
unprecedented three terms, and has a re-
cord of advocating on behalf of Indigenous
people in Canada that goes back to when
he was elected Chief of his community at
28 years old.
Ishkonigan’s team is made of leading ex-
perts in the fields of consultation, negotia
MARCH 2017
business elite canada
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