Ishkonigan - page 6

components of any successful operation
between Indigenous groups and the pri-
vate sector.
Ishkonigan has guided several of the coun-
try’s largest corporations and financial in-
stitutions navigate these areas success-
fully, establishing long-term relationships.
“Joint Ventures, partnerships, and respect
for culture and rights, are the foundation
of very positive working relations between
Aboriginal communities and corporate
business,” says Fontaine.
“There is clear recognition from the busi-
ness community that the old way of doing
business is out, and there is a new way to
for meaningful, full engagement and par-
ticipation of the Aboriginal community in
the way the development will occur,” says
Fontaine. “And this reflects an attitudinal
shift on the side of the Aboriginal commu-
nity as well. The language of joint venture,
ownership, equity, is not longer about just
“Joint Ventures, partnerships, and respect for culture and rights, are the
foundation of very positive working relations between Aboriginal communities
and corporate business.” Phil Fontaine, President
Phil Fontaine & Stephen
Harper - The Apology
business elite canada
MARCH 2017
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