tions law, government, politics and busi-
ness, as well as a sound familiarity with
prevailing industry practices, and govern-
ment relations. In a landscape of unprec-
edented opportunity, Ishkonigan provides
mediation services to support strong,
mutually-beneficial partnerships between
Indigenous communities, corporate Cana-
da and governments. Ishkonigan has suc-
cessfully negotiated Aboriginal Engage-
ment projects in Saskatchewan, Manitoba,
Eastern Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick,
and Nova Scotia.
“Ishkonigan’s goal has always been to
strengthen our First Nation’s position in
resource development by working with
Corporate Canada to better engage and
support Aboriginal involvement,” says Fon-
Historically, the community involvement
of corporate companies was largely un-
planned or mismanaged. To a large extent,
interaction between a company operating
on Indigenous land and the community
who lived there was considered second-
ary to the operation. Over the last several
years however, there has been a shift in
thinking—and practise—about corporate
and Aboriginal working partnerships. Un-
derstanding treaty rights, Aboriginal rights,
the inclusion and participation of Aborigi-
nal stakeholders, have become critical
MARCH 2017
business elite canada