at Northwest Territories Health and
Socials Services Authority. Badari is
leading the Authority Team in a P3
project from clinical design to First
Patient Day for the new Territorial
Hospital, and was pleased to describe
the details of the new project to Busi-
ness Elite Canada.
“The new facility and the redevelop-
ing and repurposing of the existing
facility will provide health care and
diagnostic services for the NWT and
the Kitikmeot Region of Nunavut—
approximately 50,000 people,” says
Being built by the Government of the
Northwest Territories (GNWT) in part-
nership with Boreal Health Partner-
ship (BHP), the $350-million facility
is based on the most current hospital
standards and will provide 100 single-
patient rooms. The legacy building
Photo Credit - Government of the Northwest Territories
business elite canada
APRIL 2018