Stanton Territorial Hospital Renewal Project - page 7

will house an additional 90 extended
and long-term care beds.
“The existing hospital health care ser-
vice really meets our government’s
philosophy of that property becoming
a real ‘campus of care’,” says Badari.
When the new project is completed in
2019, residents will enjoy a 280,000
square-foot facility with larger emer-
gency department and medical labo-
ratory; additional space for diagnostic
imaging and improved medical tech-
nology to modernize hospital opera-
tions. It will also have additional space
for ambulatory care including special-
ist clinics, medical day care and dialy-
sis; and more space for support ser-
vices such as sterile reprocessing and
biomedical engineering.
The GNWT conducted an in-depth
business case demonstrated that a
P3 procurement model would provide
significantly better value-for-money
compared to a traditional procure
Photo Credit - Government of the Northwest Territories
APRIL 2018
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