Stanton Territorial Hospital Renewal Project - page 9

ment and delivery process. Boreal
Health Partnership was chosen as the
private partner consortium selected
to design, build and partially finance
the Stanton Territorial Hospital and
maintain it for 30 years. “Major bene-
fits for a P3 is that Boreal Health Part-
nership will be assuming the upfront
cost and risk while GNWT retains full
ownership,” says Badari.
Badari adds that the new facility was
designed to meet population growth
needs into the year 2050. “The cam-
pus has been designed with the lat-
est standards in infection control in
mind, as well as the creating a healthy
work environment for the staff,” says
Badari. “There have been significant
advances in patient care, medicine
and service delivery across the NWT
since the original facility was built.
The new hospital incorporates these,
allowing us to improve patient care
quite dramatically.”
Photo Credit - Government of the Northwest Territories
APRIL 2018
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