Page 7 - ORCGA
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exhaustive reports the ORGCA puts out is DIRT contractors, associations and municipalities to
Report, or Damage Information Reporting Tool deliver Dig Safe messaging. Often these meetings
Report. “The DIRT Report identifies the root causes will unearth a specific stakeholder issue which the
of events, and uses that information to prevent or ORCGA can then work to address, make tangible
reduce damage through public education, focused changes, and potentially save more lives.
damage prevention programs and improved
industry practices,” says Lapp. The responsibilities of the ORGCA are very serious
and focussed on the business of safe excavation,
Lapp travels to ORCGA’s 13 different chapters but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any play! At the
across Ontario, as well as presenting to various time of our conversation, Lapp was in Oshawa
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