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hosting The ORGCA Locate Rodeo and Excavator Going forward, the ORGCA will continuing Damage
Challenge. This unique event puts the spotlight on Prevention momentum by initiating a task force
Locators who are on the front lines of the Damage that will look into the contentious Late Utility
Prevention Industry and helps to promote the Locate issue that has been affecting construction
significance of their role in the excavating industry. sites across Ontario. Late Locates are a result of
The locators come together and demonstrate complex interdependencies, multiple stakeholders
their expertise and superior locating skills in a and varying factors like crowded underground
competitive and friendly environment. The spotlight infrastructure, a limited right-of-way space and
also shines brightly on Excavator Operators, as well. high locate volumes in a compressed construction
The Excavator Challenge event complements the season. The ORCGA invites stakeholders to voice
Locate Rodeo with a skills competition from “the their concerns at upcoming chapter meetings
other side of the shovel”. The ORCGA welcomed happening throughout the province.
operators from municipalities, infrastructure owners
and utility contractors.
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