Page 4 - Wellspring Calgary
P. 4

O’Dell’s transformational donation of $4 million

        launched a successful $12.9 million dollar campaign,         “Our hope is to reach as many

        which culminated in Wellspring Calgary’s 12,000               people as possible who need
        square-foot Randy O’Dell House in the southeast                 support.” Program Director,

        community of Seton. With its official opening in                        Sheena Clifford
        October, 2019, the House offers a comprehensive

        range of programs, resources, and support for
                                                                had had a similar experience of receiving excellent
        those living with cancer and their caregivers and
                                                                medical care but realizing that they really needed
        families, and will complement services provided
                                                                after-care to help them to put their lives back
        by Wellspring’s northwest Calgary facility, Carma
                                                                together after a cancer diagnosis,” says Morris. “It
                                                                struck them that they had to really look and pay

                                                                for a lot of extra services and programs and they
        “We were cofounded by three cancer survivors who

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